Saturday, October 04, 2008


hey guys, i am in the library reading today. yeah, thats the last thing you would be expecting me to do on a saturday, but it's true. things are going pretty good down here except i have a cold. you would think that b/c it is so hot here no one would get colds, but i'm here to bust the myth. you guys have a good day.


The 67 Mustang Convertible said...

hey guys, I miss you both. I really wanted to stop by 2 weeks ago when we were in Tampa but we really didn't have to much "visitation time" with all the family around.

Sheila said...

Davey, we miss you and Janelle! I am sorry that we didn't get a chance to see ya'll while we were there. It wasn't THAT type of trip. We did think about ya and we hope that your launch went GREAT!
Give Janelle a big hug from me and tell her I miss her and I'm praying for you both!

Anonymous said...

Fight through it Davey. Fight through it.

The Nassars said...

I heard that Rob & Rene Stainback are at your church... good people.