Thursday, August 07, 2008

i guess i should post

hey guys i am here in the marshall center at usf, which is equivalent to mendon hall at ecu. i have been living for the little things this week. if you don't know what i mean, i have so little to do during the day if there is one thing planned for that day i am really excited. i have been spending a lot of time with the guitar and youtube, you can really learn a lot there. and i ride my bike for hobby too. 

on monday i had a job interview with guitar center. it went good, but not as good as i would have liked it, but i wouldn't be surprised if i get the job. he said he would call later this week if i was hired. the position that i applied for was accessory sales, which means i sell pedals and guitar strings and i definitely know a lot about those so i should be fine. talk to you later. 

1 comment:

The 67 Mustang Convertible said...

hey, thats not you! Thats me!!! I dont know why, but Ill take all the "face time" I can get